Get more out of your child’s activities this weekend

Looking for a weekend activity that your child and their friends can have a great time and take away new skills from as well?

Offering much more than just getting on the wall and climbing, our Stone Monkeys Private Group Adventures are a fun way to experience indoor rock climbing.

Incorporating lots of climbing games and activities in a safe and supervised environment your child and their friends will have the climb of their life.

With high instructor to student ratios, there’s no need for parents to be left holding the ropes meaning climbers get a maximum amount of climbing time.

Running every Saturday throughout the school term book in early to guarantee your spot.

Program Details

Ages: 5 -11 years
Minimum number: 8
Maximum number: 20
Class Schedule: Saturday 12 – 2pm
Cost: $35 p/p

Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym,
1-7 Unwins Bridge Rd,
St Peters, NSW 2044

No parental involvement required.

Book now
When is it?
Stone Monkeys Private Group Adventures are available each Saturday from 12.00-2.00pm throughout the school term.
Who is it for?
For any student aged 5 -11 years
Where is it?
Operating from Australia’s largest and premier climbing facility, Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym, St Peters, your child and their friend’s will have the climb of their life Click here for directions
What kind of activities will my child be doing?
Rock climbing is more than just being able to get to the top of the wall. There are many techniques and skills to learn and develop that help you along the way. During your Stone Monkeys Group Adventure your child will learn the fundamental climbing techniques that assist them to approach the climbs with new found confidence. To help develop these skills and keep things fun and interesting the session incorporates loads of climbing related games and activities. These are a great way to interact with others, have fun and to enhance climber’s abilities.
Why choose Rock Climbing?
Children love to climb! Trees, buildings, fences and play equipment, you name it, kid’s love to climb it. It’s a fun, exciting and a great way to explore natural curiosities. Each Stone Monkeys Group Adventure embraces this natural desire to climb and harnesses it to teach the fundamentals of rock climbing in a fun, safe and rewarding environment.
What if my child is not very sporty?
Not being good at ball sports or at running does not mean you won’t enjoy or be good at climbing. Be surprised by how many “non sporty” people climb and you will understand why being typically sporty doesn’t matter. Each Stone Monkeys Group Adventure session maximises participation by incorporating activities that cater for a range of abilities. From beginner to advanced levels, every climber is capable of conquering their own mountain. At Stone Monkeys it’s all about having a go. You climb as high as you like, as hard as you like and…. almost as long as you like.
Is indoor climbing safe?
Yes. Safety at Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym is taken very seriously. SICG is vigilant in its maintenance of all safety equipment as well as ensuring all safety protocols are abided by and adhered to. All Stone Monkeys participants are given a safety briefing on Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym’s safety procedures with camp members 10 years and older also receiving a comprehensive safety lesson in belaying (holding the ropes). All Stone Monkeys instructors are experienced climbers that have passed the Working with Children Safety check.
Will a parent be required to be present?
No. All activities and belaying (holding the rope) duties will be looked after by the instructors so you’re free to go grab a coffee and relax. Parents are also of course welcome to stay to watch their monkey in action